Comprehensive Plan
A comprehensive plan is Washington County’s blueprint for the future. Once adopted, it may be used as a guide for elected and public officials and provide the framework for evaluating future land use and public investment proposals. Although it is required by the Code of Virginia, the comprehensive plan can be so much more to the county! Preparation of the Plan gives the public the chance to work with county leaders and staff to create a vision for development.
The comprehensive plan may address some of the following issues: land use, transportation, parks and recreation, natural and cultural resources, infrastructure (water and sewer), housing and economic development.
The Washington County Comprehensive Plan (2015) was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 14, 2015. The adoption of the plan concluded almost two years of work on project. Many meetings were held to discuss the plan, from community meetings throughout the county, Planning Commission work sessions, and public hearings. The result of this hard work is long range planning document, or blueprint, to help manage growth, guide development, and implement the community’s vision for the future.
Survey Results
- Harrison District Abingdon High School Meeting Final
- Jefferson District 1 Greendale Elementary School Meeting Final
- Jefferson District 2 Greendale Elementary School Meeting Final
- Madison District Green Spring Fire Station Meeting Final
- Monroe District Glade Spring Library Meeting Final
- Taylor District 1 Damascus Middle School Meeting Final
- Taylor District Map 2 Damascus Middle School Meeting Final
- Tyler District Map 1 Valley Institute Meeting Final
- Wilson District JSB High School Meeting Final