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Tammy Sturgill

P: (276) 525-1310
F: (276) 525-1309
Office Hours: M-F 8:30am – 5:00pm
Office Location: 
Government Center Building
1 Government Center Place, Suite A
Abingdon VA, 24210

Office of Budget and Finance

Department of Budget and Finance, under the direction of the County Administrator, is responsible for the success of the County’s overall accounting system.  The Department’s responsibilities include accounts payable, budget, financial accounting, payroll, personnel and purchasing functions.

For information about Invitations for Bid or Requests for Proposals, visit our Latest News and Information Page.  You can also view attachments below under Important Facts and Documents.

Adopted Budget
$ 0
Beginning Funds
0 %
Federal Funds
0 %
State Funds
0 %
Property Taxes
0 %
Other Local Revenue
0 %
Local Taxes
0 %

Percentages are approximations. For complete budget details select View the Budget.


The County Department of Budget & Finance, Office of County Administrator and Washington County Board of Supervisors are responsible for the preparation of an annual audit of the County’s financial records through an independent certified public accountant.The Most Recent County Audit listed here is for the most recent County fiscal year period (July 1 – June 30) where an audit has been completed and accepted by the Board of Supervisors.  Many of the boards, authorities, commissions and agencies of the County government have their own audits that are not part of the County audit.County audits for previous fiscal years are also made available here.  Washington County maintains nationally-recognized credit ratings through Moody’s Investor Services and Standard & Poor’s.


The Office of County Administrator and County Department of Budget & Finance are responsible for the preparation and administration of the County Operating Budget.  The Washington County Board of Supervisors adopts the Operating Budget in May or June of each year for the period beginning July 1 through June 30 (the County’s Fiscal Year – FY).Many of the boards, authorities, commissions and agencies of the County government have their own operating budgets that are not part of the County Operating Budget.  The County Operating Budget document made available here is as of the date of adoption and does not contain any subsequent amendments thereto.


Invitation for Bid and Request for Proposal

Proposal for Professional Audit Services

Proposal for Engineering, Architecture, and Construction Support Services.

Demolition of Elliott Building

Courthouse Reroof Project

Conceptual Phase for Design-Build of Courthouse Expansion and Renovation Under the Virginia Public Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act (PPEA)

Please visit the Courthouse Renovation webpage via the button below to view a full list.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)


Accounts Payable – The Budget and Finance Department is responsible for processing and paying all invoices for the County’s General Government.  The General Government includes all Administrative Division departments, all Constitutional Offices, General Registrar and various judicial related departments.

Budget – The Budget and Finance Department, with guidance from the County Administrator, develops the County’s annual budget and capital improvement program.  The budget process begins in November and ends with the final adoption of the budget in June.  The newly adopted annual county budget then takes effect on July 1st.

Financial Accounting– The Budget and Finance Department is responsible for the reliability of the County’s financial records.  The Department works closely with the County Treasurer’s Office to ensure that accurate financial reports are given to the Board of Supervisors, County departments and agencies, State agencies and Federal agencies.

Payroll – The Budget and Finance Department processes the payroll for approximately 300 County employees.  This includes the County’s General Government, the County Library, and the County Department of Social Services.

Purchasing – The Budget and Finance Department is responsible for issuance of purchase orders and monitoring the County’s purchasing procedures.  The Department is responsible for the issuance of Invitation For Bids (IFB) and Request for Proposals (RFPs).